Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hurricane Katrina Deliverables

This was a long and fairly complex assignment.  I really enjoyed the real-world aspect of the project.  The assignment was to analyze the effects of storm surge and inland flooding on the Mississippi Coast Counties after Hurriacane Katrina and prioritize the locations for disaster aid.  This analysis showed how devestating Katrina was on the wetlands and how the wetland damage will continue to impact how susceptible the land will be to future storm damage. 

The repetition of setting the document properties and environments on four seperate maps was worthwhile.  I now see how setting environments can eliminate a lot of work in analysis.  This project also reinforced creating metadata--something I am totally lazy doing. 

What is amazing and intimidating is how many tools are available in ArcTool Box.  What I couldn't figure out is how to export a useable table out of floodedlc (flooded landcover raster file).  The table dbf table I managed to export didn't include the two fields I added for calculating acres & square miles.  I ended up manually creating an excel table.

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